Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Glory At Sea

The term 'beautiful' is thrown around a lot. Its uses vary from sunsets to guitar riffs to sexual encounters and coffee tastes. Bearing this in mind, i have tried to cut down on my use of this formerly profound word and instead opt for terms like 'gorgeous', 'terrific', and the occasional 'dope'. The following film, however, feels almost cheapened when described as 'beautiful'. From its color scheme to story line to swelling score, every second of this film breeds beauty in the heart. It's not often i stumble upon a film that brings triumphant tears to my eyes. Sad tears are easier to summon, still rare, but infinitely more common than those dewy eyes i get when our hero emerges triumphant or our heroine saves the day. Jean-Pierre Jeunet did it with 'A Very Long Engagement' (or 'Un Long Dimanche De Fiancailles' for you French enthusiasts), as did Frank Darabont with his Stephen King adaptation 'The Shawshank Redemption'. But with both of these cases, the triumph tears came after almost 2 hours of plot, trial, error, woe, victory, and climax. 'Glory At Sea' does it in 25 minutes. A world record for joyous Evan tears. Below, i've linked the HD link to this film on youtube. It should be viewed full-screen, with no distractions, preferably alone or with valued, comfortable company. You may not cry, or tear up, or even get misty, but i'll be damned if you don't feel your heart beating a little more sincerely after viewing this film.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


i'm far too egotistical to start a blog. i could see myself maintaining a blog, one that's been underway for at least a few months. Updating it regularly. Posting new music and videos and anecdotes and revelations. i could totally see that. But i just can't see myself starting one.
So that's what this is.
This is me, evan, starting a blog. Mostly just so i can get this first post out of the way so that the real shit can start. You know. The real shit. This is just the icebreaker, the game of name remembrance and favorite kind of ice-cream. evan. strawberry.

And let's be honest, there is no "let's", as "let's" implies an 'us' (with the 's), and right now, there's no 'us', there's just a 'me'. A 'me', breaking the ice - alone - trying to remember the first, last, and only guy's name.